a play by Damian Wampler, directed by Angela Astle
Starts Friday, June 12 for 6 shows at the Robert Moss Theater, 440 Lafayette.
Showtimes: Friday, June 12, 5:30pm,
Sunday, June 14, 9:00pm
Wednesday, June 17, 4:00pm
Thursday, June 18, 4:00pm
Friday, June 19, 7:30pm
Sunday, June 28, 1:00pm
Tickets are $18 at http://www.planetconnectionsfestivity.com/
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Casting Call
Category: Performers
Description: Twin Towers Play (Damian Wampler, Writer/Producer and Angela Astle, Director) will be holding auditions for Twin Towers on Friday, May 1 at 132 W 21st street, between 6th and 7th. The first appointment will be scheduled at 1:00 and the last will be at 6:00pm. Auditions are by appointment only.
Indicate the desired role and an approximate call time that works best for you.
The following roles are available. Please submit head shots AND resumes via email ONLY to casting@twintowersplay.com We must receive your headshot and resume before Thursday, April 30th at noon. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Trevor Forde: Iraq war veteran, Esther’s adopted grandson, mid 20s. Trevor’s character MUST sing, dance Tango, and perform capoeira dance.
Jamal Jones: Returned Peace Corps Volunteer. Trevor’s best friend from grade school, mid 20s. Jamal MUST be able to sing and perform capoeira dance.
Olivia Walker: Young woman and mother, early 20s. Must be able to sing and dance Tango.
Male Ensemble Actor: 20s-35, must know capoeira dance. Characters include a Thug, an Army Captain, a Blind Preacher, and Trevor’s Psyche.
Female Ensemble Actress: 20s-35, must be able to move well (specifically capoeira training is helpful). Characters include Trevor’s Psyche and the Devil.
African American Actors especially encouraged to apply, but all ethnicities welcome.
Job Start Date 5/1/2009
Job End Date 6/28/2009
Salary Stipend
Pending Equity Approval
Company: Twin Towers The Play
Contact Damian Wampler: casting@twintowersplay.com
Website: www.twintowersplay.com
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunday's Casting Call
"It always amazes me the plethora of talent that is in the Indie Theatre community and while we were unable to completely cast our show off of our first round of auditions, I feel like it was a successful day. I especially enjoyed meeting with the choreographer and talking a few specific capoeira moves! It was even more fun when we had two stellar artists perform those moves!
I have much respect for actors and their ability to day in and out, audition after audition, put their heart and soul out there for me to judge them. While I know my job is to find the best possible actors who can bring life to the characters within the play, it's still very difficult to be so judgmental when presented with so much talent!"
I agree completely! I was blown away.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Exciting new production with a purpose
Direct Arts uses theater to educate and entertain, and I think the play speaks to contemporary American issues really well. Part of the production was funded by a grant, which proves that if you have a purpose, you can find a way to bring your vision to life. The end result is a beautiful production and some stunning images. Go see Paper Angels when it comes out!
Direct Arts in conjunction with The Performance Project @ University Settlement presents a workshop production of PAPER ANGELS by Genny Lim, Wednesday, 29 April to Saturday, 2 May 2009 for four performances only in New York's Chinatown district.
Location: Speyer Hall at University Settlement
184 Eldridge Street, bet. Rivington and Delancey
TICKETS: $18 adult, $15 student/senior
WEBSITE: www.directarts.org
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Casting Call for Twin Towers, Sunday, April 12!
Casting Call for Twin Towers, Sunday, April 12!
Non-AEA Actors for Twin Towers performing at Planet Connections Theatre Festivity this June
Category: Performers
Description: Twin Towers Play (Damian Wampler, Writer/Producer and Angela Astle, Director) will be holding auditions for Twin Towers on Sunday April 12, 2009, at New Perspectives Theatre Company, 456 W. 37th Street, Ground Floor Office. The first appointment will be scheduled at 1:00 and the last will be at 4:00pm.
All roles are available. Please submit head shots AND resumes via email ONLY to Casting@twintowersplay.com. Auditions are by appointment only, via email.
Esther Forde: Proud, wise woman, mid 60’s; grandmother to Trevor, but has raised him.
Trevor Forde: Iraq war veteran, Esther’s adopted grandson, mid 20s. Trevor’s character MUST sing, Tango, and perform capoeira dance.
Jamal Jones: Returned Peace Corps Volunteer. Trevor’s best friend from grade school, mid 20s. Jamal MUST be able to sing and perform capoeira dance.
Olivia Walker: Young woman and mother, early 20s. Trevor is the father of Olivia’s son, but Jamal comes over every night to read to him. Must be able to sing and dance Tango.
Male Ensemble Actor: 20s-35, must know capoeira dance. Characters include a Thug, an Army Captain, a Blind Preacher, and Trevor’s Psyche.
Female Ensemble Actress: 20s-35, must be able to move well (specifically capoeira training is helpful). Characters include Trevor’s Psyche and the Devil.
African American Actors especially encouraged to apply, but all ethnicities welcome.
Job Start Date: 5/1/2009
Job End Date: 6/28/2009
Salary: Stipend
Company: Twin Towers The Play
Register for the audition- Angela Astle: Casting@twintowersplay.comWant to learn more about the production? Visit www.twintowersplay.com specific questions about the production can be sent to: info@twintowersplay.com